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Boat CruiseWELCOME to Turkey, a bridge between Europe and Asia, with an extremely rich cultural heritage. Perhaps no other land has witnessed so many diverse civilisations over the last 10,000 years. After the great Mesopotamians, the Hittite and Urartu kingdoms flourished, and in western Anatolia the Ionian and Roman civilisations predominated. Turkey is without doubt one of the world's largest 'open air museums' with magnificent landscapes, natural beauty and numerous historical, archaeological and cultural sites. Istanbul holds the honour of having been the capital of 2 huge empires in the past: first the Byzantine and then the Ottoman. Anatolia itself became a crossroads of people, cultures and religions. Christianity, for example, thrived here, and Islam was glorified by the Seljuks and Ottomans. A visit to Turkey should not only take in all the great sights and monuments, it should leave plenty of time for leisure and pleasure. Turkey offers immense resources in these areas: majestic mountains ideal for climbers, hikers and skiers; over 8000 km of coastline laced with picturesque bays and coves; lakes; year-round summer in some areas, yet plenty of snow in others; a solid and expanding tourism infrastructure; one of the world's healthiest cuisines and extremely hospitable people. A trip to Turkey is an enchanting experience and an unforgettable adventure!.
  • 3% of Turkey lies in Europe, whereas the remaning 97% lies in Asia.
  • The mysterious cats of the Eastern city of Van have 1 green and 1 blue eye.
  • 62% of male Turks over the age of 25 wear a moustache of some description but 68% of women aged between 16 and 40 think the moustache is unattractive.
    30% of the Turkish general population thinks moustaches are a sign of manliness.
  • Atatürk secularised the Turkish legal system by adopting a Swiss Civil Code and an Italian Criminal Law.
  • No Turk had a surname before Ataturks reforms in 1923 - 1924.
  • St. Nicholas - our santa Claus... - was born in Patara and was bishop in Myra (Demre).
  • İstanbul has a 540-year-old bazaar (covered shopping mall) with 64 streets, 4000 shops, 22 entrances and 25000 workers-The Grand Bazaar.
  • Turks gave the Dutch their famous tulips.
  • Turkey is a member of the NATO since 1952 and an ally of the USA.
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